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Any university, the member of the Consortium, can offer any actual projects for discussion and futher joint realization.

Current global projects, supported by the Consortium, are described below.

Freeness & Openness

Advanced by: University "Ukraine"

Key words: beehing, collaboration, freeness, openness, open access, open source, participation

The core of the project is to monitor the best at the current day online tools, services and practices of collaboration, joint creation and use of the various resouces with the goal to accumulate the corresponding information (practices), their articulation, systematization and spreading in the global scale.

Conditionally, this general problem is divided into three parts:

Free & Open Software → Free & Open Information → Free & Open Humanity

The project is supported by the following main resources.

Twitzine (website): Freeness & Openness

Discussion group on LinkedIn: Freeness & Openness (can be created on demand)

Microblogging channel: @freeandopen

Operating language: English (note, any posts of twitzine may be duplicated in Chinese Simplified that allows to cover the most part of the potential global audience).


Green Advertising Bonus

Advanced by: University "Ukraine"

Key words: free advertising, free transfering, green, green solutions, United Green Nations

The core of the project is to monitor the best at the current day green solutions, that is ecologically friendly strategies, industries, technologies, products and services, with the goal of their free advertising, prior supporting and free transfering through the national borders (without proprietary, custom and all other artificial barriers). In other words, in the current situation of climatic, nature protection, ecological and other problems the WORLD MARKET must become totally FREE & OPEN for the advanced and prominent green solutions.

General motto of the project is

Long Live, the United Green Nations!

The project is supported by the following main resources.

Twitzine (website): Green Advertising Bonus

Discussion group on LinkedIn: Greeny Tweets

Microblogging channel: @greenytweets

Operating language: English (note, any posts of twitzine may be duplicated in Chinese Simplified that allows to cover the most part of the potential global audience).

«  July 2024  »

University "Ukraine"
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